Germán Retuerta Fernández-Paniagua (And many more people). Germán is an spanish musician born in Guadalajara (Spain) on February 1st, 1988.
Is a social, cultural, educative and motivational project in which with music, human values are impulsed and transmitted. It is based on the history of self-improvement #19DaysWalking. Singer transforms to songs each value proposed in his adventure, plus four other values more. In all, 23 songs on acoustic simplified in: voice, guitar and clapping, together with the new system “Humming System”. Adding to each song, its interactive video clip with lyrics, guitar chords and rhythm of the palms.
Furthermore, Singer has written a book in which talks about the 23 values, to complete the mean of each value. An international public project, in which all the musical and written content exists for free in It was translated in two of the most spoken languages in the world: Spanish and English. (Know More…)