I did understand How can I explain Would love to love If I can love Living is a dream, fighting is achievement Go ahead and smile, don´t you cry no more tears If you gave your love Now I know why Don´t have to think I will believe If I can love You can really feel anywhere you are You can be happy when things go wrong If you gave your love I did understand How can I explain Would love to love If I can love.
“Live to feel”
Love triggers the deepest feelings ever and it brings about moods, which are, at times, very radical, such as the most wonderful happiness when taken in its most positive sense. Love between woman and man is the most archetypical and worldwide, but it is far from being the only one. There are zillions of ways of feeling and expressing love. Love is also found among other beings and it can even be found in inanimate, abstract objects: places, situations, books, films, landscapes, odours, flavours, recollections and on and on and on. Anything that capable of moving us is likely to make us fall in love. It is an immeasurable feeling. The paradigm is love among people. Apart from chemical reactions and scientific terms, a feeling for another person can come from a number of reasons, such as similar tastes, hobbies, interests, curiosity, family links, communing and the like. Love doesn´t have to be requited to survive. But it is true that the feeling grows and thrives if it is. There is a decisive factor in family love, which is the links among the members since birth. Such links can be a source of tremendous strength and the perfect foundation to build a feeling bound to last us a whole lifetime. But they are not indestructible. Cherishing such a love entails responsibility which must be shown with facts that prove that such affection does exist and that there is a determination to look after it. Our closest relatives, parents and siblings, as well as grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins… often take on greater protagonism as they are in charge of our upbringing, maintenance, growth, rearing us and showing us ways to be happy, thus contributing to our insertion into a society which we are unaware of at birth. Coexistence deeply influences us, thus time shared properly enhances the bonds and the trust. And if it we are talking about people who have watched over us since the word go, our feeling of gratitude, as well as our love for them is absolutely overwhelming. When it is up to us to raise our own family, we should endeavour to hand over the love that we might have felt, thanks to the ones who did likewise for us and to our ability to develop it. The sum total of all of this gives rise to the feeling among generations and to the survival of affection. A love very close to family love can be found in friendship. But friends are people that we choose when we find affinities that can throw us together. Time is of the utmost importance when it comes to striking up a relationship, even more so when it is a relationship as crucial as friendship. It is something that props up throughout life when we come in contact with other people. There are many factors and circumstances that may come up daily, which affect our behaviour, which says a lot about us. It might be beneficial to have a first encounter in which common features may arise and others which may draw our attention towards that potential friend. On the other hand, in order to develop friendship and for that love to come about, the main thing is to share time together in diverse environments, where different situations will come up and where we will have to respond to them with transparency, showing ourselves just the way we are. Friendship also involves responsibility. And a very beautiful one at that. Assuming that is to know full well that the people that we choose are like an elongation of our family. In other words, reliable people. And such a beautiful prerogative can only be attained by those who prove that they deserve it, not necessarily a cast of thousands ore even more than one. It is a good job that they do exist, because they shed their own light on life, in fact, a different one from the one that we are used to, which can make us learn and go on with our personal growth. But you need to have extremely clear ideas as to the fact that said people must only desire the very best for us just like we do for them, as long as both parts do it objectively. All through our life we make many friends but only the chosen few remain. This should not be a source of grief. On the contrary, our personality and what we decide we require from others develop as we go along. This causes everything to be ever-changing and we mature and choose who and what makes us and the others happy. That is why friendship is, in the long run, truer as the years go on and people get older. As far as love between man and woman, it goes beyond friendship, since the chosen person, apart from being an extension of our family, can become a part of it and one of the most important people in our lives. Contrary to friendship, here physical attraction walks in. It is not indispensable at first sight, since personality is what really cuts it when it comes to feeling love. Those features or values that make up our personality are liable to change even the physical perception we have of others, perhaps leading to attraction when you really get to know someone at close quarters. Speaking of bonds, we take for granted that if two individuals make a commitment it is because they are so inclined and because they complement one another, are happy together and plan to remain so. It is essential to seize the day. And, even though it is hard to refrain mind and body from propelling us into a cherished future together, we should not let ourselves get carried away by plunging headlong into the void, which may lead us to fall for people that we do not know well enough and who may be a far cry from what we had expected. Just like elsewhere, prudence pays. However, it is true that love has a strength so overwhelming that there is just no stopping it and that it is bound to make us go right or wrong and trip up, without falling. Should that come to pass, we will have had the chance to learn and be critical in order to try and find love elsewhere later on. Dependence and monopoly are not synonyms for love, but harmful feelings which only bring negative consequences as soon as you miss somebody. That´s why it is a good idea to help to love in a healthy way, bearing in mind that there is more than one term in the equation, there is more than one personal life which to endorse and respect. Missing someone and wanting to spend as much time as possible together may be beautiful, because it means feeling for that person, but one needs to understand the circumstances of each person and hope that such such person reciprocicates. Moreover, we need to take into account the fact that personal space is vital and that no one belongs to nobody. Speaking about man-woman love, is it everlasting? Definitely! Ancient and modern history say as much. But it is up to both parts to make it possible. It is true that there are factors that condition or hinder such an occurrence. If love does exist and you truly believe in it, you can make it linger providing that there is agreement between what both parts expect of one another. Are love relationships only intense at first to eventually get into a rut? Absolutely not. Nonetheless, it is evident that love goes through its stages and moments.There are situations which can affect us. The truth is, though, that you can live with them thanks to love and togetherness. It so happens that not only can be we in love with the same person all our lives, but it is also possible also to maintain and even enrich the most fascinating force of nature known by man if both parts endeavour to persevere in reciprocicating through facts which bring about mutual happiness. It all boils down to trust and care. Relating and of course, proving our love are fundamental aspects in all sorts of love. Hugs, kisses, glances, words, gestures and so forth help to express affection in all kinds of love. There are two popular words to refer to love: “loving” and “caring”. It is important to use them properly, rather than abuse them, and in moderation, otherwise, they might lose their wonderful meaning. It is superb to have such words, use them sincerely, make an impact and do good to people for whom we care. A certain physical demonstration of love makes a sort of relationship one of a kind. Between a woman and a man, when the time comes, we can witness the most intense expression of love ever, one in which both parts give themselves away to one another and mix the physical and the emotional in order to be as one. A marvellous compound of unique instants that have little to do with mere physical pleasure, which go far beyond terrestrial constraints since so many and so strong feelings are conveyed through the senses. Love is a human value that is present from cradle to grave and it can only exist individually. It is something that we acquire with the passing of time, when, after we give shape to our personality, we assess ourselves and can humbly love ourselves. We must keep up our self-esteem at all times, regardless what goes on around us and the stimuli we are faced with. The first step is to ascertain our qualities and skills and treasure them in order to rely on ourselves and our power. If we are incapable of spotting them because we think that we don´t know ourselves, we might as well ask somebody who not only knows us, but loves us. That way, we will come to the conclusion that every human being who acts in good faith is priceless and must be acknowledged and loved accordingly, leastways, by themselves.