Things can be easy to understand You can take them or leave them There´s no need to agree with somebody You can be tolerant if you want Diversity Is good as long as there´s respect I´ll find a way to make sense and tolerate Gotta give people a good choice Take things for what they really are You know tolerance is in you But first you gotta show you care Diversity Is good as long as there´s respect I´ll find a way to make sense and tolerate Agree or not, It´s alright
“Enduring the endurable”
Tolerance is a value which entails an effort to put up with situations different from our likes and opinions, as long as they are not harmful. Tolerance is a sort of endurance. Throughout our lives, we are faced with a myriad of circumstances which are antagonistic with our personality and which are just as important as we want them to be. Despite bothering us and making us uncomfortable, we can assume them, tolerate them and accept them, as long as they are not way out of bounds and, sometimes, we should overlook them so as to stop them from creating a bigger issue. The thin line between said limits is the same one that divides bother from physical or psychological harm. Hassle should be withstood, although it can be avoided, since it is unpleasant and can end up doing harm. And hurt is intolerable. When it walks in, there´s but one option: seek effective, immediate measures in order to get rid of it. Sometimes mistakes precipitate uneasiness. And such mistakes are not made on purpose. Tolerance provides us with patience to reflect at large and play down what has happened. It can also let us understand the circumstances without hurting us, so we can go about our daily business. We might as well go way beyond that and humbly offer another alternative behavior to whomever has erred, in case they want to rectify of their own free will. Peaceful communication is very useful, especially when there is trust. Explaining your viewpoint and openly listening enriches both parts and helps them meet halfway when it comes to understanding diverse life situations.